When you have a poor credit history, most traditional car loan lenders turn up their nose at you, even if you know you have the capacity in your monthly budget to pay them back. What ultimately happens is you cannot get funding to purchase a quality used car, and end up having to buy a beat-up, unreliable car from a stranger, or take time-consuming public transportation.
There are a few options for financing a used car available to you: bank loans, paying cash, or buy here pay here car lots. We believe one of these is clearly the best and fastest way to get a nicer, newer car.
If you have bad credit, you can certainly try to apply for an auto loan from a bank or credit union. During this process, these lenders will examine your credit history and your debt-to-income ratio to determine how much they are comfortable lending to you to purchase a used vehicle. Many times, people get turned down over and over again by these financial institutions because of low credit scores, or simply because they’re young and haven’t established a credit history yet. Traditional lenders simply don’t want to give bad credit car loans.
While it’s frustrating to get turned down repeatedly as you go from bank to bank to find financing for a used car, there’s an even bigger problem that’s occurring. Each time these banks perform a hard inquiry on your credit, they’re actually lowering your credit score more and more. After ten hard inquiries in a short period of time, you can imagine how damaging that is to your credit!
If you’re one of the luckier ones, a bank might agree to lend you money, but it’s very possible the loan amount they approve you to receive may not cover the cost of a used car you can count on to get you to work or school every day. This leaves you on yet another desperate search to get enough money together to buy a used SUV, car, or truck.
In an ideal world, everyone would have enough cash on hand or in their bank account to buy a car outright, without needing a car loan. And while having cash to use as a down payment is often required, there’s usually little left over that certainly won’t cover the whole cost of the car.
You might consider asking friends or family to lend you money to put toward buying a car, especially if your current ride is done for, and you need a new one fast. However, asking to borrow money from loved ones is often a recipe for disaster, in addition to sometimes feeling a little embarrassing.
If you get a tax refund, you can consider putting that toward a reliable used car. However, if you’re like most Americans, you need much of that money to put toward other necessities, too, like home repairs, rental fees, childcare, medical expenses, and more. You simply can’t dedicate every penny you have toward purchasing a used car outright. What you really need is a reasonable down payment and manageable monthly or weekly payments that fit into your budget and paycheck.
Fortunately, there is an option for car loan financing in Kansas City, even for those with bad credit or no credit. A buy here pay here dealer, like AutoBank, provides you with the financing so you can choose a great pre-owned car from our lots and drive off in it today.
Unlike traditional auto loan lenders, at AutoBank, our sole focus is customer satisfaction. If you come to us looking to purchase a pre-owned car, we’re going to do absolutely everything to get you into a vehicle the very same day.
Pay here buy here car lots handle every step of the car-buying process, including providing auto loan financing, so you never have to worry about your bad credit getting in the way of buying a vehicle. When you visit us, we’ll talk to you about what you’re looking for and what your monthly budget is, before approving you for a loan. You can even apply for car loan pre-approval online.
From there, you get to browse our large inventory of used cars and pick one that is the best fit for you. We’ll never show you cars you can’t afford, so you are free to decide on a vehicle based on what you need, without distractions or upselling from traditional car dealerships.
If you buy a car from AutoBank, a buy here pay here dealership, you will make your car loan payments directly to us, where you got your vehicle. We offer four convenient options to pay your loan, including in-person payment drop-offs, auto-pay straight from your bank account, pay by phone, or even by mailing in a money order.
When you buy from a used car lot like AutoBank, you’re purchasing a vehicle from a trustworthy company. Unlike individuals who sell their old cars online, we want to make sure you leave in a car you love. That’s why when we get cars for our lot, we thoroughly inspect them and fix any problems before offering them for sale. We then offer all our buyers a warranty on their purchase because we stand by the quality of vehicles we sell.
AutoBank has a large inventory of vehicles in all sizes from the most popular automakers, including used Nissans, Toyotas, Fords, and Chevrolets! You can browse our full inventory, and even search by model and color.
When you buy from us, you can count on our reputation in the Kansas City area and surrounding communities like Lee’s Summit, Independence, Belton, and Grandview. These communities consistently rank us as one of the best dealerships for used and pre-owned certified cars.
Visit AutoBank at either of our two convenient pay here buy here car lots in Kansas City at 2000 East Truman Road or 6901 East Front Street. We welcome you to stop on Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Let our experienced team members help you get into an amazingly affordable used car today!