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The Buy Here, Pay Here auto car lot business model is a tried-and-tested formula. Debuting in the early 70s, Buy Here, Pay Here auto car lots have never been your usual provider of used vehicles. As time moves on, the benefits of purchasing an automobile from a Buy Here, Pay Here car lot has, for the most part, remained the same.
Those who choose the Buy Here, Pay Here used car lot over the traditional ones do so for several reasons.
Traditional used car lots only offer one particular car brand to the consumer. If you want to try a Ford, you have to go to a Ford dealer. Not satisfied with the Ford and want to try a different brand? Then you have to go to that separate Chevrolet car lot across the street or that Honda lot or the Toyota place further down.
For shoppers who haven’t set their mind on that one brand yet, choosing a Buy Here, Pay Here lot is a no-brainer. A Buy Here, Pay Here car lot isn’t limited to just one brand of vehicle. Customers can pick and choose from a wide variety of cars, trucks, SUVs and more at Auto Bank in Kansas City.
Want that imported car? It’s right there on the lot. Want a domestic vehicle instead? It’s here too. Bought that used Ford from the Buy Here, Pay Here car lot yesterday, already sick of it, and want a refund? When a customer purchases a used vehicle from a Buy Here, Pay Here lot, they have time to try it out. If the customer doesn’t like the vehicle for any reason, they are free to return it within that period.
In today’s world of used car lots, it’s all about the Carfax. When it comes to purchasing a vehicle, most well-informed customers will do their homework before signing on any dotted lines. Carfax reports are an excellent way for customers to ensure that the car they’re eyeing isn’t a lemon. Carfax reports also help keep the dealer honest.
Most, if not all, Buy Here, Pay Here car lots offer free Carfax reports on all of their vehicles.
It’s easy for first-time car buyers to become overwhelmed by the whole process. Traditional dealers can be pushy and overeager to make a sell. A lot of times making a sale is their top priority for numerous reasons that include end of the year bonuses.
Go to any major city and you’ll find one car lot next door to another dealer, with each dealer offering attractive incentives to grab the customer’s attention and wallet. While some first-time car buyers may be able to walk in and drive away with a used car, those with bad credit may not be as fortunate.
First-time car buyers are often young people who may be still building their credit score. For those credit-challenged car buyers, Buy Here, Pay Here dealerships are their best alternative.
In the automotive industry, usually an outside lender handles collections. More often than not the outside lender decides whose credit is worthy of a loan and whose isn’t. This isn’t the case Auto Bank KC.
In the Buy Here, Pay Here business, the dealer takes on collection responsibilities normally assumed by the outside lender. Such practices make the Buy Here, Pay Here car lot a much more attractive alternative for first-time car buyers who may not have the best credit. Buy Here, Pay Here is also a better option for seasoned car buyers as well.
In today’s world, credit is important. If you have it, new opportunities often open up. If you don’t have it, then sometimes you’re left out in the rain. Credit or not, transportation is a necessity in life. This is one of the main reasons why many consumers prefer Buy Here, Pay Here car lots over many traditional auto dealers.
Should the customer be turned down by the bank that approves loans through a traditional car lot because of bad credit, chances are that same customer won’t be turned away at a Buy Here, Pay Here used car lot.
In addition, anyone with bad credit who buys from a Buy Here, Pay Here pre-owned car lot and makes payments on time would be taking the first steps in improving their credit.
Simply put, without Buy Here, Pay Here car lots, many first-time car buyers, as well as seasoned car shoppers, would be hard pressed to buy that used vehicle.
‘No or little money down’ is usually a sales pitch traditional car lots offer per special occasion. Not so, with Buy Here, Pay Here. Everyday customers can expect to buy a car with as little as $500 down. Sometimes potential car buyers may be offered a vehicle of their choice with no money down.
All financing is handled at the Buy Here, Pay Here car lot. Loans are usually approved immediately as opposed to waiting for a bank to process the customer’s application. This shortens the wait time involved in getting that needed new car.
It may not be as short as sixty seconds, but customers can look forward to a quick and easy transaction.
Because Buy Here, Pay Here car lots offer a one-stop shopping experience, customers can expect a stress-free transaction. There aren’t many traditional (if any) car lots that literally do everything on the spot the same way a Kansas City Buy Here, Pay Here dealership does. From providing the customer directly with a loan to finding the right vehicle for the customer’s price range to calculating the customer’s credit score, the customer is taken care of on the spot.
No banks, no middleman - no hassle.